Advice, High School

What Comes Next?

Graduation is fast approaching for Doral Academy seniors, yet I can’t help but ask myself what comes next. Graduating is a rite of passage for adulthood, but what if we aren’t there yet?

Scientists believe the brain fully matures at age 25, so why are we catapulted into “adulting” at 18? We are pressured into thinking that we have to pursue a career and go to university after graduation, but there are many other paths one can take leading to success.

  • Gap Year: No matter the situation, you should always put your mental health first, and after 12 years of school, sometimes we need a break. 
  • Finding an internship: Internships help you accumulate knowledge as well as labored experience in your desired field.
  • Travel: If you have the means for it, take a year to explore the world, learn new cultures, and meet new people. 
  • Get a job: University is expensive, you can always take a year off (or more) to save money
  • Attend a technical school: You don’t have to go to a fancy school to achieve success in life, consider specialized technical schools like beauty school.

Studies show that even at age 21, many people just don’t see themselves as adults, and that is fine. As generations progress, the age of maturity becomes farther and farther away. Whenever you feel stunted and stuck at age 13, remember that you are not alone.